
受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
  英専 前期 2 2 Bradley D.Grindstaff

Movies: The Cinema World

The goals of this course are to read about and discuss: (1) The origin and development of movies and the movie industry, (2) The elements of a film (3) Movie genres.

Class will include viewing and discussing short movie scenes, Iecture
by the teacher in English, discussions and explanations of the text,
which is only available in English; and, if time permits, short oral
reports by students.

There will be some viewing of movie scenes in class but most viewing
will be done as homework by individual students in the library. Students
in this class must read about 100 pages in English during the first

Reports 20%  Reading Quizzes 30%  Final Test 50%

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
The Liveliest Art Arthur Knight    
